Showing posts with label "Hubble". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "Hubble". Show all posts

Saturday, 16 September 2017

NASA's Hubble spots a 'hot Jupiter-like' blistering, pitch-black exoplanet!

New Delhi: Playing the role of scientists' 'third eye in the sky' effortlessly, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has given astronomers hope of discovering evolutionary secrets of the universe.

In the past, Hubble has helped unearth massive revelations, most of which have turned out to be breakthroughs in the world of space.

Helping scientists reach out into the depths of the universe and discover numerous things that would have otherwise, been impossible, Hubble has been highly dependable.

The planet's atmosphere is so hot that most molecules are unable to survive on the blistering day side of the planet, where the temperature is 2537.7 degrees Celsius.

Therefore, clouds probably cannot form to reflect light back into space. Instead, incoming light penetrates deep into the planet's atmosphere where it is absorbed by hydrogen atoms and converted to heat energy.

But the planet's nighttime side is a different story. WASP-12b has a fixed day side and night side because it orbits so close to the star that it is tidally locked.

The nighttime side is more than 1093 degrees Celsius cooler, which allows water vapour and clouds to form.

"This new Hubble research further demonstrates the vast diversity among the strange population of hot Jupiters," Bell said.


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